Laying Hens

Our hens are raised from day old and never beak trimmed and live in small flocks of 200 in mobile sheds with freedom to roam pastures and woodland from dawn to dusk 365days. They are fed home grown oats, peas and wheat which supplements their pasture based diet.

We let our hens moult at the end of the pullet lay and keep them for a second year. We then sell them on locally so they have a happy, long and productive life. We often have either pullets or our older hens for sale so please contact us if you are looking to keep some hens of your own.

Day old chicks start life in the brooder shed where they are safe and warm. They have access out into the field at around 6 weeks old and we move them to the laying sheds at 16 weeks.


Laying Hens

Hens spend their days out on pasture

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